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How my 30,000 Days journey began

And how Casey Neistat nudged me to create the substack of my Substack

When I started Noise Reduction, I was struggling. Struggling to know what was next for me in life. It was the beginning of 2022. I had spent a lot of time supporting the New Zealand Government response to the Covid-19 pandemic, and Omicron had just displaced the Delta variant as the major threat.

To be honest, I was planning my exit from my advisory work from when Delta started to wane. But Omicron meant I had to keep going with that work just that bit longer. But I was still looking for my way out.

For the last three years, I’ve been creating content on Youtube on a couple of channels. I really enjoyed making videos, so when the opportunity came to do an online course with Casey Neistat in one of the first courses he was putting out, I jumped at the chance. Casey has over 12 million subscribers on Youtube. he knows what he was doing. I thought there was a good chance that I may be able to learn something from him.

Casey didn’t disappoint. I used what I learned in the first half of his course to make this video. It made me think about how I was spending my time, and how I had no room for anything new, even if I wanted to try changing my life.

It made me stop and realise: I had to do more stopping and more realising.

In order to create new space to try different things, I had to stop doing what I was doing. There is no other way - life with three young kids is busy enough.

This is how 30,000 Days was born as a substack of my Substack, a bit like a sub-variant of my variant.

I hope you enjoy the video. I really enjoyed creating it.


To get full access to my 30,000 Days project, please join my paid community. You’ll find my writing there already, and there’s plenty more to come. It’s $10 per month, or a bargain $50 for an entire year. You’ll get my Noise Reduction Newsletter once a week, and another 30,000 Days post from me roughly once a week too.

Thanks for reading - hope to welcome you as a paid member soon.

Notes to Selves by Sarb Johal
30000 Days
How can we fill our 30,000 days on planet Earth (if we’re lucky) with joy, purpose, and meaning? How will you live yours? Here's how I'm living mine - and you can hear my guests write and talk about how they are living theirs too.
Sarb Johal